

1. Treat Everyone with respect.
2. Treat Library Materials with respect.
3. No food or Drink should be consumed in the Library.
4. Maintain silence in the Library.
5. Students are allowed to use the library in their respective library periods.They can also use the library in Zero Period as well as after the school gets over. They may consult the Library in any other period if they have their Supervisory Head's / Teacher's written permission.
6. Students of class IV to IX will get one book while students of class X to XII can borrow two books at the same time from the library.
7. Students are not allowed to bring their personal books inside the Library.
8. One Library Membership Card is issued to the students of Class IV to XII. Class IV to X students can issue one book at a time and Class XI - XII can issue two books at a time for seven days.
9. Students may issue the books in their Library Periods, Zero Periods and one hour after the  school gets over.
10. Students are required to check the books at the time of getting them issued. Any damage, if any, should be reported immediately. In case of loss/damage of the issued book, the students have  to pay the cost as well as fine on the book in question.
11. If renewing a book, students must have the book with them to renew. Books may be renewed  only twice. No renewal is given if other member has reserved for the same book.
12. Books are to be returned on due date mentioned on the issue label. A fine of Rs. 20/- per week  is imposed on any book returned after the due date.
13. Library Membership Card is not Transferable. The student is solely responsible for the  books borrowed against his card. In case the card is lost, a duplicate card may be issued only  on payment of Rs.30/-.

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